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May 31, 2021
LC Packaging has its own production facilities in Belgium, Hungary, Bangladesh and South Africa. In South Africa, production facility LC Shankar has started construction on a new production facility and distribution centre in Pietermartizburg, which is expected to be taken into use this October.
The need for more space and opportunity to further ‘green’ production are some of the main drivers for the build. LC Shankar has grown immensely over the past five years and needs more space for its increased production as well as increased amounts of raw material and finished goods. In 2020, the factory produced and distributed over 600,000 big bags Additionally, LC Shankar wishes to portray a more professional image. The current LC Shankar production facility is dated and doesn’t reflect who we are as an organisation. With the demand for food safe bags rising, we are aiming to build a facility that can produce food safe packaging as well as the chemical, mining, resins, food and agricultural packaging we already produce.
The new production facility which will host around 175 employees is part of a long term strategy. The aim is to expand even further over time to include extrusion and weaving. We also want to improve the working conditions of our staff and provide world class ablutions and canteens.
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