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June 18, 2021
As a member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), LC Packaging is transparent about our progress and activities towards a fair and sustainable future all around the world. Therefore, we have submitted our annual Communication on Progress Report (CoP), which has resulted in the continuation of our Advanced membership to the UNGC.
LC Packaging is committed to supporting and upholding the UNGC Sustainable Development Goals. In our Sustainability Vision 2022, we have identified four areas of commitment with various targets, based on the UNGC Ten Principles of business regarding Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-corruption. These targets are strongly incorporated in LC Packaging’s daily business agenda to improve our environmental, economic and social impact.
Read more about our sustainability initiatives this past year in our UNGC CoP Report or about LC Packaging’s sustainability targets in our Sustainability Vision 2022.
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