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Jan. 11, 2022
This month, LC Packaging International has joined the Plastic Pact Netherlands, thereby committing to help accelerate the transition to a Circular Economy: to do more with less plastic. Concretely, LC Packaging is committing the following targets by 2025:
With this commitment, LC Packaging is raising its ambition to contribute to a Circular Economy.
The use of plastic has grown exponentially over the past 50 years. Plastics are strong and contribute to the safety, durability, and quality of the packaged products. Plastic packaging also often delivers a lower CO2 emission than possible alternatives. However, the large-scale application of plastics also has severe drawbacks. The use of mostly fossil fuel based raw materials, the energy and emissions from plastic production, and a lack of collection and recycling that means plastic is polluting our ecosystems.
LC Packaging is joining the Plastic Pact NL both as a statement of our own ambitions to address these challenges but also recognising that to make the Circular Economy work requires collaboration with others throughout the value chain. We are looking forward to learn, share and make progress together with other like-minded companies!
The members of the Plastic Pact NL have the ambition to jointly close the plastic value chain by promoting reuse, ensuring all plastic products can be recycled, eliminating unnecessary and problematic plastic packaging, and using recycled and biobased plastics in new products. They commit to working together in a pre-competitive setting to address these challenges. As of today, 110 companies have signed this commitment in the Netherlands.
The Plastic Pact NL is part of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Plastic Pact Network which is made of national Plastic Pacts in the UK, France, Chile, The Netherlands, South Africa, Portugal, the US, Poland, Canada, Kenya and India as well as regional Plastic Pacts for the EU and ANZPAC regions. The national Plastic Pacts are all working towards a joint vision of a Circular Economy for Plastic through collaboration and coordinated action.
Read more about our commitment to sustainability.
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