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March 16, 2020
Dutch-Bangla Pack Ltd. (DBPL) has been shortlisted for the 2020 Sedex Responsible Business Awards, representing the best responsible sourcing programmes and broader sustainability initiatives. The award entries were shortlisted based on their level of innovation, the scale of impact and implementation, possibility of replication and transparency of communication and leadership.
DBPL’s Employee Commitment Programme was shortlisted in the category ‘Best Health & Safety/Labour Programme (Suppliers)’. Sedex has 60,000 members in 180 countries. LC Packaging is one of the Sedex members and DBPL is registered as an LC Packaging production facility. To be shortlisted in this category means the facility already belongs in the top 3 leaders in health and safety labour programmes.
The Dutch-Bangla Pack Ltd. Employee Commitment Programme consists of 7 components and tackles a number of health and safety challenges for its employees in Bangladesh and the local community there:
Due to the Corona virus outbreak, The 2020 Sedex Conference has been cancelled on-site and will take place online. The Awards Dinner that was scheduled on 18 March in Central is postponed to ‘later this year’.
Dutch-Bangla Pack Ltd. (DBPL) is a joint venture company established in 2007. LC Packaging holds 50% of the shares while the remining 50% are held by local shareholders. DBPL is the leading producer of FIBCs in Bangladesh that currently produces Pharma Clean, Food clean, Intermediate Clean, Industrial Clean, Laminated FIBCs and HDPE/LDPE liners.
DBPL’s commitment toward quality, safety and efficiency is not only emphasised by their employee commitment programme, but also by the certifications it has obtained, such as ISO 9001, BS OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001, FSSC 22000 and SA 8000. With the accomplishment of the aforementioned certificates, DBPL is the first and single FIBC manufacturer in the world to have achieved these certificates in unison.
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