
Customer Health and Safety Policy (summary) - Download
Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emission Policy (summary) - Download
Materials, Chemicals and Waste Policy (summary) - Download
Statement on Packaging Waste - Download
Sustainable Consumption Policy (summary) - Download
Water, Biodiversity and Local Pollution Policy (summary) - Download
European Commission Sustainable Consumption Pledge - Download


Discrimination & Harassment Policy (summary) - Download
Employee Occupational Health & Safety Policy (summary) - Download
Human Rights Policy (summary) - Download
Performance and Career Development Policy (summary) - Download
Sustainable Supply Chain Policy (summary) - Download
Working Conditions Policy (summary) - Download


Anti Greenwashing policy (summary) - Download
Business Ethics Policy (summary) - Download
Code of Conduct (internal) - Download
Code of Conduct for Production Partners - Download
Code of Conduct for Key Production Partners - Download
Code of Conduct for Logistics Partners - Download
Information Security Management System Policy (summary) - Download
Marketing and Labelling Policy (summary) - Download
Sanctions Policy - Download
Data Subject Access Request - Download
Malpractices Reporting Form - Fill in
Supplier Code of Conduct - Download

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Please report (suspected) violations of laws, Codes of Conducts and internal policies through this Malpractices Reporting Form. All employees, our business partners and third parties are entitled to submit reports. If preferred, the report can be submitted anonymously.


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Supporting your products is what we do at LC Packaging. We offer you safe, reliable and qualitative transport packaging for your valuable products. You can benefit from our international network and take advantage of all available expertise at LC Packaging. Our packaging experts are ready to answer all your questions and help you find the perfect, sustainable packaging solution for your products.

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