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LC Packaging proudly obtains EcoVadis Platinum CSR rating

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LC Packaging proudly obtains EcoVadis Platinum CSR rating

9. September 2020

LC Packaging’s sustainability efforts have been acknowledged by EcoVadis with a Platinum CSR rating, rewarded to only 1% of all 65.000 companies assessed by EcoVadis worldwide. The family-owned company received the Platinum medal for its actions, which have a positive impact on its people, its customers and the environment.

EcoVadis especially acknowledges LC Packaging’s structured and proactive CSR approach with policies and tangible actions on major issues. The detailed information regarding the implementations of these policies and the company’s significant effort in CSR reporting on its actions and KPI’s also contribute to the platinum CSR rating. Read more about the results on sustainability.lcpackaging.com/ecovadis.

Sustainability efforts rewarded

Lucas Lammers, CEO: “Our daily operations and packaging solutions have a direct impact on the environment and on individuals and communities around the world: from creating quality jobs, to protecting, preserving and safely transporting all sorts of products. Quality packaging protects the environmental and economic investment in products, and contributes to economic development and social wellbeing, by facilitating distribution and delivery to the market place. We believe quality and sustainability are inextricably linked: a quality product can only be a quality product when produced in an environment that respects people and the planet.

It is great to see that our efforts are being recognised by high ranking institutions such as EcoVadis. This Platinum rating truly is a reward for the vision and efforts we have shown in the field of CSR worldwide and complements our extensive portfolio of certificates and standards. Since our last evaluation, we have increased our overall score thanks to the implementation of extra initiatives, such as the publication of very first GRI Report.”

About EcoVadis

EcoVadis was founded with the belief that businesses can contribute to improving the current state of our environment. Since 2007, the organisation has become a trusted partner of procurement departments of several multinationals. EcoVadis has a unique CSR assessment methodology and helps companies become more sustainable through the adaption of more sustainable practices. Their methodology is based on Sustainable Development Standards, such as the Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000.

Each year, organisations can apply for evaluation and will be rewarded a rating based on four drivers: Environment, Labour & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. Based on scores for each of the drivers with an overall score of at least 37/100, the organisation may be rewarded a bronze, silver, gold or platinum medal.

More about LC Packaging’s Sustainability efforts

Read more about our most recent progress and initiatives in our Sustainability Update 2020 and our GRI Content Index 2019.