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16 de Mayo de 2023
LC Packaging has launched its Sustainability Update 2023. The online magazine reports on many social and environmental KPIs in line with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. This year, the distributor and manufacturer of transport packaging for bulk goods directly linked the Sustainability Update to its 2030 Ambition sustainability strategy.
The Sustainability Update 2023 has a completely new look compared to previous editions, and the content has changed too. The Sustainability Update 2023 reports specifically on the progress of LC Packaging’s three 2030 Ambition Goals on Living Wage, Circularity, and Climate Action. For each goal, actions that have already been taken and next steps that are yet to be taken are described.
The online magazine links to LC Packaging’s GRI content Index, which includes information on its sustainability strategy, stakeholders, material topics and governance, as well as its Social Report and Environmental Report. The Social Report and Environmental Report comprise of the five themes on which we have reported in previous years: People, Business Ethics, Supply Chain, Solutions, and Environment. By doing so, the reporting is made clearer.
LC Packaging has integrated extensive reporting in its Sustainability Update, complying with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): Core Option. GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards are the first and most widely adopted global standards for sustainability reporting. Reporting following these standards helps LC Packaging to understand and communicate its impact on critical sustainability issues.
LC Packaging’s GRI Report is presented in the form of the LC Packaging GRI Index 2022, summarising all disclosures and linking to all relevant documentation and publications.
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