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21 Augusti 2020
LC Packaging’s Bangladeshi FIBC production facility, Dutch-Bangla Pack Ltd. (DBPL), got SA 8000 recertified. DBPL is one of only four manufacturers in Bangladesh in possession of an SA 8000 certification. SA 8000 is an international auditable certification standard that monitors whether companies apply socially acceptable practices in the workplace. It is de highest level of accreditation achievable. DBPL first obtained the SA 8000 certificate in 2012.
LC Packaging’s production facility differs from many other factories due to its astonishing working conditions with above average living wage salaries and regular training programs for continuous development of employees. Employees have full-time access to daycare, (emergency) on-site medical care and have a health insurance. Health care trainings are organised by the medical support provider to make employees more conscious about their health and a special fair price market shop is placed on the factory premises. LC Packaging recently implemented digital salary payments to help female Bangladeshi employees gain control of their finances.
DBPL and LC Packaging’s key production partners are all SA 8000 certified or have similar certification and share the same values and commitment when it comes to human rights and environmental issues. In 2019, LC Packaging updated its Global Supplier Code of Conduct, which prescribes values and principles to which LC Packaging has committed worldwide: non-negotiable standards that we ask our production partners to respect and to adhere when conducting business. By signing the LC Packaging Global Supplier Code of Conduct, partners declare that all existing and future agreements and business relationships with LC Packaging will be subject to the principles contained in the document. Additionally, it is their responsibility to educate their employees accordingly.
SA 8000 is one of the world’s first auditable social certification standards for decent workplaces across all industrial sectors. It is based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights and labour norms as well as national labour lawas to empower and protect all personnel. By meeting SA 8000 the basic human rights of workers are adopted. Some of the key elements of SA 8000 are:
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